Soul Tipping: A Non-Monetary Gratuity For Workers By Workers

Did you receive a neat little packet with an alien on it? During the COVID-19 crisis, I can understand how you may be a bit apprehensive of accepting things from strangers. That’s why I’m here to explain a little bit more about my Soul Tipping project.

Being an artist is usually a very thankless job. My personal experience as an artist relies heavily on commissions, donations, and gigs to make money. However, those things are extremely rare to come by, so most of what I do is volunteer work. I create media such as music and comics for free to give back to the people who struggle in their every day lives and rely on music as medicine and art/literature as distraction.

As a starving artist being shamed for the work I do, I can relate hard with the proletariat underdogs who do essential work and are underpaid and under appreciated. I want to give back to those workers, but being sort of one of them, I do not have the monetary means to offer financial support. Furthermore, many of the thankless but essential employers refuse to let their workers accept monetary tips.
And that’s no bueno.

So I had to think outside the box, and what I came up with were my little soul tips. Tiny care packages to say thank you for your hard work. If you have received one, it should include the following:

-One alcohol wipe for sanitization
-One letter of encouragement
-One tiny art print on shed-free glitter card
-One color-your-own sticker
-One of each of standard and holographic stickers

I hope it reaches you well, and that it helps give your day a little something special. Please feel free to contact me on FB or IG if you have any questions.

Keep on keeping on!
~Sunny Anomaly